Ashley Graham made herself famous for being a “plus size” model. Once thought to be a pioneer for big women in the modeling industry, she recently shocked fans when she revealed her incredible weight loss transformation. Although she took a lot of heat from her heavy set fans, Ashley says it’s about being the best version of herself she can be, inside and out.
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Ashley’s Nutritional Secrets
For many years, Ashley suffered from stomach upset. Many times she would feel nauseous and have to deal with acid reflux. It wasn’t until she recruited the services of a nutritionist that she was able to get on top of the issue. The answer lay in the food combinations that she was putting into her body.
Ashley discovered that just as important as what you eat is how you eat. When your digestive system is not working properly, the undigested food remains in the digestive tract. This can create a very unhealthy toxic environment. You blood will become more acidic, and parasites will begin to grow within your stomach. That is exactly what happened with Ashley.
The first thing Ashley did was to undertake a week long detox in order to flush all of that undigested food out of her system. Then she learnt to combine foods together that allowed her digestive system to work more effectively. Here are the three key rules that she now follows to ensure that her system is running as smoothly as possible:
- Eat fruits alone on an empty stomach
- Eat proteins with non-starchy vegetables and / or ocean vegetables
- Eat grains and starchy vegetables with non-starchy and / or ocean vegetables
Ashley starts every day with a green smoothie. She adds in spinach, almond milk, cinnamon, a banana and a couple of strawberries. The spinach and almond are blended together first and then the other ingredients are added. This provides her with a powerful vitamin and mineral energy boost to get her day started.
Another favorite smoothie recipe mixes kale, lemon, ginger, beets, apple and parsley.
A typical lunch for Ashley will consist of a bowl of quinoa and brown rice mixed with vegetables and tahini. Baked salmon, argula salad and a sweet potato are a typical dinner meal.
Between main meals she will snack on Cholocate Tree Chi Crackers, which he picks up from her favorite grocery store, High Vibe in New York City.
Ashley is a girl who enjoys food. She’ll allow herself a couple of treat meals on the weekends. Her favorite is macaroni and cheese. Yet, by staying clean 80% of the time she is able to maintain her inner and outer health.