Roseanne Barr is Looking Amazing!
The famed comedian and actress Roseanne Barr has never been the beacon of physical heath and fitness – but that didn’t stop her from recently going on an incredible transformation.
At one time she was over 300 lbs, but has cut her weight to less than 160! This is an astonishing weight loss accomplishment and had the celebrity world talking when she debuted her new look at the Comic Con “Last Comic Standing” event in Pasadena, California.
How Roseanne Used Garcinia Cambogia To Aid Her Weight Loss
When Rosanne first began dieting she ran into a lot of the issues we all do. Cravings, being hungry and miserable all day, irritable and all around just not enjoying her new diet. It wasn’t until her trainer recommended a little known Hollywood diet supplement call Garcnina Cambogia that she started to see results. We had been hearing about Garcinia Cambogia for several months prior, so we decided to investigate further to see if it was real or just a bunch of hype. You WILL NOT imagine what we discovered. Read our full experiment with this so called “miracle” diet pill here.
Currently Rosanne is more inspired than ever to keep her weight loss going and has a new goal of 140 lbs by the start of 2015.
Roseanne is already working on her new years resolution and hopes to have some incredible momentum heading into the New Year.
She says that her fans have been a huge inspiration on social media and have inspired her to keep going when the times got tough.
There were days when she was craving her old lifestyle of poor food choices and being lazy but has done everything in her power to remain extremely active and motivated.
Just a little push from her thousands of fans worldwide was enough to help her lose over 100 lbs and get down to her lightest weight in over 30 years!
Roseanne has become a workout fanatic – doing some type of exercise every single day and even keeps track of her daily steps!
She uses an electronic step monitor called “Up” to track her daily steps and makes sure that she stays as active as possible.
Her daily goal is 10,000 steps – and on days when she does less than this she makes sure to rebound and do double the next day.
One of the big reasons for her dramatic weight loss is that she is staying very active running her Macadamia Nut farm in Hawaii which requires her to do a number of hands on chores. This keeps her very busy and active and takes her mind of off food!
Roseanne says that her new lifestyle of being active and healthy is the best thing she has ever done and saved her life.
One of the biggest diet changes she incorporated since moving to Hawaii was she became a vegetarian.
She has replaced her steaks and hamburgers with Organic Salads made with the most delicious ingredients. For her protein and fiber Roseanne makes sure to eat lots of Tofu, Beans, Avocado and mixed nuts.
Her favorite unhealthy treat on “cheat days” is of course chocolate covered macadamia nuts. After all – she does own a Macadamia nut farm and has to indulge just a little!
Between eliminating processed foods, red meats and some of her favorite desserts and becoming a workout fanatic – Roseanne has become a weight loss machine with one of the most impressive weight loss stories of the year.
No word on if former Husband Tom Arnold’s weight loss transformation inspired her – but its great to see the former entertainer love birds taking a step in the right direction with their weight loss and long term health.
Roseanne has had a bit of help with all of her weight loss as well. She had a gastric bypass surgery back in 1998 but still found her weight yo-yoing for well over a decade.
She realized when her weight ballooned to 300 lbs 10 years after her gastric bypass surgery that she had to take action and make healthy lifestyle changes.
For years she went on a yo-yo diet but turning 60 recently forced her to re-evaluate her health.
She said one day she just woke up and said that she was tired of living like this so she started eating less and working out more.
She was recently asked if she relied on any weight loss supplements to speed up her results when she admitted she had been using Garcinia Cambogia.
Several of her good friends in the entertainment industry (including Miranda Lambert) said that it helped them lose weight effectively and curbed their appetite.
She tried several other all natural metabolism boosters but had the best results with Garcinia Cambogia.
Her favorite part about the supplement was that it not only curbed her appetite but also increased her energy levels.
Roseanne has an incredible weight loss story to tell – and it all started with her newfound approach to health and fitness.
Even though she is a celebrity she did not rely on anything out of the ordinary to lose weight. Between eating less and exercising more Roseanne was able to transform her life and lose over 100 lbs.
The Complete Roseanne Barr Diet Plan!
In order to lose over 100 lbs Roseanne Barr had to make some major lifestyle and diet changes. Roseanne said that changing her diet was the hardest part about the whole process because like so many overweight Americans – she became addicted to unhealthy food that was high in sugar, sodium and fat.
So what major changes did she make to her diet to lose weight so quickly? For one she eliminated all the bad “white carbohydrates” such as flour, potatoes, white rice, sugar and any kind of white sauce.
It was recommended by her nutritionist that she first start eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and the one major change she had to make was eliminating these bad carbohydrates.
She also started eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and fell in love with delicious organic salads while living in Hawaii.
It didn’t take her long to become a vegetarian. This meant that she had to eliminate hamburgers, steaks and Pork Chops.These were items she was consuming almost every single day and when she made the switch to become a vegetarian she said the weight started falling off.
So what did a typical day of eating look like for Roseanne? Let’s take a look!
Breakfast always consisted of Oatmeal and some kind of fresh fruit. Roseanne tried to eat a lot of high energy and high fiber carbohydrates early in the day to jumpstart her metabolism and increase her energy levels all day.
Her favorite breakfast consisted of organic Oatmeal topped with cinnamon and blueberries. This was a meal recommended by her nutritionist since cinnamon is a natural metabolism booster and blueberries are high in fiber and antioxidants.
Late Morning Snack:
Roseanne tried to consume some healthy fats for her late morning snack as this kept her full until her late afternoon lunch and gave her lots of energy to work.
This meant that she indulged in macadamia nuts some days (she runs a Macadamia Nut farm in Hawaii so she had easy access.)
On other days she would consume Raw Almonds and Raw Cashews.
Since she was very busy during this time of the day consuming a few handfuls of mixed nuts was extremely convenient and healthy for her weight loss transformation.
Lunch was always the largest meal of the day and she would typically consume it later in the day around 2 or 3 Pm.
The old Roseanne would normally have her biggest meal at night for dinner –but was told this was a bad strategy when attempting to lose weight.
Lunch always consisted of a huge salad mixed with delicious greens and veggie sources of protein.
Roseanne was living in Hawaii for much of her weight loss transformation and would have a huge selection of restaurants to choose delicious salads from.
When she was at home she would make organic green salads consisting of spinach, romaine, carrots, cucumbers, sliced avocado, sliced almonds and Grilled Tofu. For her salad dressing she would make sure to choose a lower calorie salad dressing and became quite fond of low sugar Italian Dressing.
Although these salads were really big they typically only had 500 calories and were extremely high in fiber.
To further ward off her hunger she would also take a Garcinia Cambogia pill about one hour after lunch to curb her appetite until her last meal of the day around 8 Pm.
Dinner was typically a lighter meal as she was conscious to keep it under 500 calories. She did not worry about what she consumed as much as the total calorie count.
Some nights she would crave organic desserts such as flourless angel food cake topped with strawberries. If she ate something like this, which has about 400 calories, she would not consume anything else for the night.
It was this discipline that gave her such amazing results. On other nights she would have a bowl of Brown Rice and Grilled Tofu with some salt free seasoning, lemon juice and olive oil on top.
When Roseanne was traveling and working on her various entertainment industry projects she would try to schedule dinner as early as possible when she knew she would be out so she didn’t eat to close to her bedtime.
She would have a few cheat meals on the road but tried to stay true to her “portion control” method.
If she went to an Italian place she always made sure that she didn’t eat it all and would save the leftovers for the next day to break it up into 2 meals.
Roseanne Barr’s Workout Routine
Roseanne Barr’s incredible weight loss transformation can be attributed to the old adage, “eat less and exercise more.”
Roseanne was never a big fan of working out for most of her life but as she started to approach the age of 60 she decided that to extend her life and rejuvenate her energy levels that she needed to make a change.
This meant she began doing lots of exercising and even measured her daily steps with a digital step counter!
This is some serious dedication and being active and fit became an obsession for Roseanne during her incredible weight loss transformation that saw her go from over 300 lbs to less than 160.
Roseanne would typically try to do some form of cardio every single day in the late afternoon. She said that her energy levels were highest about 30 minutes after taking her Garcinia Cambogia pill so she would try to take advantage of this window.
Garcinia Cambogia is an all-natural metabolism booster that helps curb your appetite and increase energy levels. Since she has never been a big fan of coffee or green tea – this was a great all natural solution to boost energy levels.
Her workouts would consist of a wide variety of cardio. On days when she was on the road she would typically find a treadmill at her hotel and do fast walking incline intervals.
Her trainer taught her that she didn’t have to run on the treadmill to see incredible weight loss results so she would walk at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes on the highest incline.
Roseanne said that this was her favorite form of exercise because she started to feel like it was not only helping her lose weight but sculpting her legs and butt!
Roseanne became obsessed with doing cardio during her transformation and would perform six 30 Minute sessions per week.
These cardio sessions would be a mix between brisk walks outside in Hawaii (she tried to find walking paths that had inclines so she could simulate the intervals), Biking on outdoor paths, and Incline Treadmill intervals.
Roseanne also tried to stay very active with her work doing any form of hands on activity she could perform. She owns a Macadamia nut farm in Hawaii so this allowed her to do many active tasks in the beautiful Hawaii weather.
To further enhance her weight loss Roseanne used a digital step tracker and set a daily goal of 10,000 steps. On days when she fell short of his number she made sure to make up for it the next day.
Roseanne did not rely on a trainer or fancy exercise equipment during her weight loss transformation. All she needed was some daily cardio and taking more steps when her energy levels were at their peak to become a fat burning machine.
With the help of Garcinia Cambogia to boost her afternoon energy levels and a lot of hard work and dedication – Roseanne Barr lost over 100 lbs and is looking better than ever!