Miranda Lambert Workout Plan Overview

Miranda Lambert is not a huge fan of traditional cardio and going to the gym. She says that she is not the type of person who gets excited to workout everyday and instead opts to keep things interesting and fresh.Miranda Lambert before and after

She did not want to rely on a trainer 5-6 days a week like many celebrities. Instead Miranda opted to workout with her trainer and perform toning exercises for her legs and stomach two days a week. For 2 other days per week she would perform cardio on her own using the treadmill, elliptical, or going for a jog outside.

On the weekends Miranda would stay very active and “trick herself” into doing cardio by actually doing things she truly enjoyed such as horseback riding and walking in the woods with Hubby Blake Shelton.





Here is what a typical week of workouts looked for Miranda Lambert during her weight loss transformation that saw her go from a size 8 to a size 6.

Miranda Lambert Workout Plan Overview


Miranda liked to get off to a flying start during the week and would typically opt to workout with her trainer on Monday mornings.

Here is a look at the type of workout she would perform with her trainer.

Leg, butt and legs Toning Workout:

Exercise One: Smith Machine Squats

Sets: 4

Reps: 8-12

Rest Time: 2 minutes

Exercise Two: Walking Db Lunges

Sets: 4

Reps: 15

Rest Time: 2 Minutes

Exercise Three: Assisted Dip Machine

Sets: 4

Reps: 10-12

Rest Time: 2 Minutes

Exercise Four: Swiss Ball Crunches

Sets: 4

Reps: 10

Rest Time: 45 seconds

Exercise Five: Stomach Pillars

Sets: 3

Reps: 45 Seconds

Rest Time: 45 Seconds



Day Off (Usually Sore from the Monday workout with the trainer)

Wednesday: Cardio Session

During Cardio sessions by herself Miranda would perform 20-30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio to elevate her heart rate and burn calories.

Here is a typical workout:

Incline Treadmill Jog/Walk Intervals

Total Time: 25 Minutes

Intervals: 45 Seconds Jogging, 30 Seconds Walking

Incline Height: 6.0



Miranda would opt for another training session later in the week with her trainer.

The second workout would focus more on machine exercises so she wasn’t sore on the weekends.

Exercise One: Machine Glute Raise

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12

Rest Time: 60 Seconds

Exercise Two: Machine Leg Extension

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10

Rest: 60 seconds

Exercise Three: Machine Leg Curl

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10

Rest: 90 seconds

Exercise Four: Swiss Ball Leg Curl

Sets: 3

Reps: 15

Rest: 90 seconds

Exercise Five: Machine abdominal Crunch

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12

Rest: 90 Seconds

 Friday: Cardio Sessions

On Fridays or over the weekend Miranda would typically enjoy a 20-30 minute jog outside. She would keep it at a moderate pace and try to enjoy herself during this job and not torture herself to the brink of exhaustion.


Miranda would “trick herself” into doing cardio on the weekends by performing activities that she loved. Often times she would go horseback riding. On other days she would make sure to go for a long walk outside either in the woods, at a local park or at the beach when traveling.

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