Cara Delevingne is a world class super model – but surprisingly admits to hating the gym! Cara only works out 4 times per week for 30 minutes of cardio per session and is able to maintain a super model physique.
Cara credits her thin physique from counting calories to make sure she does not exceed a 1,400 average per day, and consuming a powerful all natural metabolism booster twice per day.
Although Cara does not like going to the gym, she makes sure that she makes her workouts count.
Cara’s trainer says that her 30 minute cardio sessions will help her burn an extra 500 calories per workout – and this really adds up over the course of the year.
The devil is truly in the details. Remember Cara’s weight loss pills help her burn an extra 700 calories per week, and the workouts add up to another 1,500 calories per week. Between the powerful all natural diet pills and the three 30 minute workouts – that’s 2,200 extra calories burned per week.
This allows Cara great flexibility with her diet to the point where you can spot her at the McDonalds drive through a few times per week!
What do these 500 calorie burning sessions look like? Cara’s trainer revealed her workout regimen.
Cara Delevigne Workout Plan
Monday: Cardio Workout #1
Monday cardio workouts lasted a total of 30 minutes. Cara’s trainer always makes sure the workouts stay interesting – and has her doing several cardio based exercises on Monday.
Mountain Climbers Superset with Knees on ground push ups: 6 Minutes
Squat Jumps with 30 second rest intervals: 6 Minutes
Burpees with 45 Second rest intervals: 6 minutes
Rope Skipping intervals with 30 second rest: 6 minutes
Elliptical Cool down: 6 Minutes
Wednesday: Cardio Workout #2
Wednesday consisted of a lot of elliptical and incline treadmill work. Cara’s trainer said these workouts are great for sculpting your legs and butt as the incline work puts extra emphasis on the gluteus and hamstrings.
Exercise One: Incline Treadmill at 10.0 incline and 5.0 mph
Notes: Cara would do a light jog for 15 total minutes on the incline at 10.0. She would do this for 15 minutes per workout and aim to beat her time each workout.
Exercise two: Elliptical for 15 Minutes
Notes: The elliptical machine is great for building your legs and butt. After working on the treadmill for 15 minutes Cara would end her workout on the elliptical machine for 15 minutes.
Friday: Cardio Workout #3
Friday cardio workouts lasted a total of 30 minutes. Cara’s trainer always makes sure the workouts stay interesting – and has her doing several cardio based exercises on Friday.
Kettle Bell Training: 6 Minutes
Fast Running intervals with 30 second rest: 6 Minutes
Burpees with 45 Second rest intervals: 6 minutes
Abdominal Routine Intervals: 6 minutes
Biking Cool down: 6 Minutes